For over ten years, I quilted professionally, taking quilt tops and transforming them into finished quilts. I love the process of quilting, especially when there is open space for the quilting to show. Complex piecing and wide open spaces create wonderful opportunities for the stitched line to enhance the overall impact of the finished quilt. I am no longer taking customer quilts, but am available for consultations for quilting designs. If you would like a private consultation ($30 per hour) please reach out through email.
Kristin Meranda Piecing and Allison Wilbur Quilting, Wedding Ties Heirloom Memory Quilt 2017 (Private Commission)
Detail, Wedding Ties Quilt by Kristin Meranda and Allison Wilbur, 2017 (Private Commission)
Donna's Star by Donna Bozeman 2017, Quilter's by the Sea Vendor's Award
Donne's Star on the Longearm quilting machine being quilted by Allison Wilbur
Rob's Carpenter's Wheel Quilt by BAnne Greene Quilters by the Sea show 2017, Viewer's Choice 3rd place
South County Beauty by Banne Greene, Block of the Month from Folk Art Quilts in Wakefield, RI
Leaping the Dragon's Gate by Valerie Daniels Rossi
First Place Viewers' Choice, Sudbury Quilters Guild 2019
The carp quilted in gold thread were marked with a stencil using Pounce Iron Off Chalk powder. Watch the video of my hand guided longarm stitching of the design.
Quilt by Valerie Daniels Rossi (2017) with Japanese fabrics and quilting motifs by Allison Wilbur
On this quilt, I chose motifs from the Japanese fabrics used in the log cabin blocks and amplified them to create hand drawn and stenciled quilting motifs in contrasting thread. The black sections provided a perfect background for the motifs when a bright color (silver gray) thread was used.
Glacier Star pieced by Ann Sabatini, pattern by Judy Niedemeyer.
Best of Show NBQA Show 2015, New England Quilt Museum, Viewers Choice, Summer Best of New England Quilts Show, Summer, 2016
I love collaborating on quilts, especially with fabulous quilters like Anne Sabatini!
Farmer's Wife by Donna Chaves, 2017 Quilters by the Sea President's Award
Missouri Puzzle by BAnne Greene 2021
Detail Missouri Puzzle Quilt by BAnne Greene 2021
Country Mile Detail, BAnne Green's quilt with quilting by Allison Wilbur