We all dealt with the isolation and stress the pandemic in different ways. I chose to focus on using up scraps from over 20 years of quilting and color. The repetitive motions of creating 80 log cabin blocks with a focus on precision and pattern were a way of asserting control in a world where nothing felt normal or joyous. This has become my new favorite quilt as it is a history of all my previous quilts and a joyous riot of color. The best medicine ever for a frightened brain.

The blocks in this quilt may be traditional, but the color scheme and layout are a call for change. The center blocks are drunkards path and the outer border is double wedding ring. The images created by the layout of the blocks and the color scheme of black, white and red tell the deeper story. The inner circles represent faces and the outer border chains. Until our society breaks free of the false concept of racism, we are chained and constricted in a bloody loop. In so many ways people of color are disproportionately negatively affected by the systems and norms that have existed for far too long. Until we can truly be the land of freedom and equal opportunity, we will all suffer.

African Jewel
African Wax Textiles are full of vivid color and bold texture. This quilt was designed to highlight the wide variety of bold colors and motifs. The indigo of the background fabric was dyed in Mali and makes a perfect setting for these dramatic fabrics.

Red and White Sampler
This quilt began its life decades ago as an appliqué quilt with red “flowers” on a cream background. I studied the pattern of the shapes for a long time and finally realized that by adding vines and leaves I could create a center medallion. The vines, leaves and berries were stitched first and then painted with fabric paint. So much easier than appliqué! The surface is covered with micro quilting and has become a wonderful reference piece when I am trying to decide on which fill patterns to use.

New England Thrift
All those ziplock bags of little calico squares people gave me over the years saying, “My grandmother used to quilt. You can use these!” went into this quilt. Individually I did not like the fabrics, but together, they sing. Look carefully and you will see that the individual blocks are color studies using complementary colors. The pattern, Duck, Duck Goose, is a Linda Hahn interpretation of Missouri Puzzle.

A simple charm pack of coordinated colors was used to create this sampler for machine quilting. I teach machine quilting on a domestic sewing machine. This piece showcases a number of simple and versatile quilting motifs. The colors of the fabric reminded me of an old New England stone wall with moss and shadows.

Metallic fabrics make this New York Beauty quilt radiate warmth and light. The machine quilting repeats the motifs in the piecing to for a harmonious composition.

Created in celebration of my 50th birthday, the yellow and blue of this quilt represent the sunshine and shadow of life. The pattern is a Judy Martin pattern called Shakespeare in the Park.

An early foray into color work, I completed this quilt in 2005. The instructions for the mystery quilt class were to bring three colors. I’m glad a I was a bad student. I love the way the straight icing creates the illusion of curved lines.